International Trade Law Advice Services

International Trade Law Advice Services

Andrew Skinner is a sole practitioner solicitor and professionally qualified engineer (chartered engineer), practising international trade law, including export controls, trade sanctions, embargoes and customs controls. Andrew provides advice across a wide range of business sectors, and always aims to provide clients with pragmatic solutions to their compliance problems, which results in the best outcome for them.

Previous experience includes advising £100million+ turnover businesses and major international defence contractors, supporting other legal professionals dealing with international trade issues and working with customs authorities.

For a free initial 15-minute consultation to find out how Andrew can help you, please call +44 (0) 1423 734019 or make an enquiry. All enquiries will be responded to promptly.

How international trade lawyer Andrew Skinner can help you

Export controls

Export control compliance can be highly challenging for businesses, so it pays to have the very best advice and guidance, especially if you are doing business in unstable parts of the world or are involved in exporting strategic or dual-use items.

By working with international trade lawyer Andrew Skinner, you can be confident that you will know exactly which export controls you need to deal with and that you are meeting all of your regulatory obligations, while being able to operate effectively and efficiently.

We can advise on matters including:

  • Identifying which export controls apply to particular goods (including software & technology) and services
  • Exporting strategic items specially designed or modified for military use
  • Exporting dual-use items which can be used for civil or military purposes
  • Export controls on encrypted devices
  • Export licencing, including licence conditions, record keeping and UK government audits
  • End-use controls on goods and services which are not military or dual-use controlled
  • Resolving export control disputes with the UK Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU) and HMRC.
  • Securing the release of goods frozen at the customs border due to export control issues
  • General export control advice for other jurisdictions worldwide, including the exterritorial controls of the US Export Administration Regulations (EAR), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
  • Support for export control investigations and prosecutions
  • General contractual issues and clauses relating to export controls

Learn more about our expertise with export controls.

Sanctions and embargoes

UK sanctions on exporting goods and services to certain countries must be taken seriously, with very severe consequences for businesses and organisations that breach those sanctions, whether this is done intentionally or not. It is, therefore, always advisable to seek specialist advice, especially when considering going business in unstable regions.

With many years of experience guiding clients on navigating sanctions and embargoes, we can help to protect you from the risk of an accidental breach while ensuring you are able to operate effectively in a legitimate way.

We can advise on matters including:

  • Embargoes on exporting or supplying arms and associated technical assistance, training and financing
  • Bans on exporting equipment that might be used for internal repression
  • Financial sanctions on individuals in government, government bodies and associated companies, or terrorist groups and individuals associated with those groups
  • Bans on imports of raw materials or goods from sanctions targets
  • Sanctions programmes administered and enforced by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") of the US Department of the Treasury for reasons of US foreign policy and national security
  • Sanctions screening to help mitigate the risk of regulatory violation

Learn more about our expertise with sanctions and embargoes.

Customs controls

Importing goods into the UK has become significantly more challenging in the wake of Brexit, making advice from an experienced international trade lawyer even more valuable.

Andrew Skinner works closely with a wide range of businesses and organisations, helping them to continue importing into the UK during these uncertain times.

We can advise on matters including:

  • Rules of country of origin and rules of preferential origin
  • Preferential Trade Agreements, including the UK - EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement (Brexit Agreement)
  • Valuation of goods for purposes of customs import entry declarations
  • Identifying which tariff code applies to a particular item
  • Special customs procedures which allow reduced or no duty when stored, repaired, processed or temporarily used
  • Import licencing, including licence conditions, record keeping and customs audits
  • Advising on customs control disputes with relevant authorities

Learn more about our expertise with customs controls.

Product regulatory compliance

Products imported into the UK or exported from the UK will have to comply with various regulations to ensure their safety. In the UK, the main regulations are The General Product Safety Regulations 2005 (SI 2005/1803) (GPSR) and Part II of the Consumer Protection Act.

As an experienced international trade lawyer, Andrew Skinner is well-versed in the different product regulations with which importers and exporters need to comply, so can provide expert advice to help achieve compliance and swiftly resolve any problems that arise.

We can advise on matters including:

  • When these regulations apply
  • Achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance
  • Responding to a regulatory investigation

Learn more about our expertise with product regulatory compliance.

Commercial contracts

Contract law is a highly complex area, but one that is absolutely essential for businesses to get right. Commercial contracts are the foundation on which a business and its relationships are built and those foundations need to be solid.

Drawing on his experience as a seasoned international commercial lawyer, Andrew can provide clear, intelligent advice on domestic and international commercial contracts. Using his expertise, he can help you to secure the most favourable terms, protect your business and make the most of your trade opportunities.

We can assist with matters including:

  • Advice on the terms of commercial supply chain contracts
  • Specialist compliance clauses including export controls & sanctions clauses relating to UK, EU and US law.
  • Negotiating commercial trade contracts with suppliers or customers
  • Advising clients on issues relating to commercial contract disputes

Learn more about our expertise with commercial contracts.

Training and auditing

Regulatory compliance is essential for any business engaged in international trade, so it is important to make sure the right polices and procedures are in plan and that they are being followed.

Being a specialist international trade law firm means we have the expertise to help cross-border businesses ensure they are achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance at all times.

We can assist with matters including:

  • Providing regulatory compliance training to new and existing employees, as well as at organised events, including seminars and conferences
  • Advising business on the effectiveness of their in-house compliance training and auditing programmes
  • Conducting internal audits to help identify potential compliance issues within an organisation (including post-acquisition audits)
  • Developing compliance policies and procedures

Learn more about our expertise with training and auditing.

Speak to an experienced international trade lawyer today

For a free initial 15-minute consultation to find out how Andrew can help you, please call +44 (0) 1423 734019 or make an enquiry. All enquiries will be responded to promptly.